Shuswap Houseboat trip

Over Canada Day I spent 5 days on Shuswap lake shooting wakeboarding for Monster. We had the biggest boat on the lake, 100ft long and 3 stories high, a second boat which was almost as big, and 3 wakeboard boats at our disposal. We towed an 80ft long rail with Monster logos out in to the lake and parked it in front of a scenic waterfall. We brought $2000 worth of booze, and over $2000 in food, for 30 people. We had 8 of the top wakeboarders, sunny skies, and pretty smooth water most of the time. Couldn’t have worked out better really, can’t wait to do it all again next year!

James Balzer slashing the wake during an evening session.Shawn Watson slides the rail on the floating store where we had a party the night before.Aaron Reed taking a break from telling stories on the boat, wakeskating very stylishly.

If you want to see the rest of the photos from the trip, check out Monster Energy’s website.


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